After the FUN of processing the honey
from the Jenny Beezz ,
We look forward to dipping candles!!
BEEZZ make wax
to hold the Brood
(baby beezz~larvae laid by
Queen Jenny) and HONEY
for food
This year one hive was
abandoned leaving only
empty wax cones so we harvested
it for the candle making!
Isn't amazzing how perfect the cells are?
After the honey is extracted
the wax needs to be cleaned
and refined with water!
After it is rinsed
it is melted it water over heat
The strainer removes
dirt and debree
Then when it is cooled
the wax hardens and
floats to the top
and becomes a cake
of wax and the water
is pored off
with pollen being
under the wax cake
that must be scraped off
The process is repeated till
the wax is nice and clean and yellow
Do You Know JESUS?
Read more here:
Weighing 11 pounds
and ready to make candles!!
Molly and Lotty helped too!
along with the doggies
all enjoyed a beautiful sunny day
(that happened to be Groundhog's Day
and we all saw our shadows too)!!
And Mr Stubbs rolled in the
warm February sun!!
We hung a kettle with water
over a fire and added the wax cakes
As it melted and became liquid
we also made use of the fire and cooked our dinner!
After dipping and cooling,
and re~dipping several times
(and straitening) they took
shape and became quite desirable!!
And once the bottoms were trimmed
they were ready to burn!!
Bees wax burns clean and leaves
no black residue or toxins in the air!!
Mildred and Owen Mousiekin
enjoy making candles too!!!