Monday, March 23, 2020


in the summer of 2019

Once upon a time! In 1955
an illustrator Tasha Tudor
and her photographer friend  
 Nell Dorr thought it a wonderful
 idea to have and film;
 "A Wedding in a Land of Dolls"!

Life Magazine did a spread on it!

1955 Life Magazine featuring the wedding

And it became somewhat famous!! 

Tasha's children and their friends
 manipulated the happy doll couple 
and the groom, "Captain Thaddeus Crain"
 was artfully crafted by Tasha!

Tasha's antique French Fashion Doll 
Melissa Shakespeare was the bride! 
It was great fun and many Tasha 
enthusiasts of today still find 
this movie and the Life Magazine 
article a sweet romance!


a photo of Nell Dorr 

Someone else had a dream to 
re~enact the wedding and
 so a plan was devised!

Melinda has a doll that was made
 by Tasha Tudor! Her name is 
Elspeth and she wanted to help 
make her sister's wedding,

"An enchanting BELIEVABLE 
make~believe celebration" !! 

And so the vision began
 and plans were made!
And a perfect place would be a 
special marionette theater... 

….and many dolls would attend

There would be joy and merriment!

 Edgar Allan Crow would 
commence the ceremony!

and there were flowers

 The theater needed to be 
decorated and so...

 Lady Linda made beautiful
  daisy wreaths and garlands 

 Ladies were invited

and joined in the fun

 Little girls attended with 
their flower girl dolls 

 Melinda and the Bride Miss Daisy
 were so beautiful and shared 
that butterfly anticipation

 Edgar Allan Crow
 practiced his lines in his head
 praying he wouldn't forget a word!

The bride and her maids waited 
Patiently for the ceremony
 to begin all dressed in their 
finest with white, pink and lace

 A music box was brought to play 

 And little flower girl dolls were 
excited to be part of the this day

 And Obadiah the groom's 
father gave last minute advice 
with a babe on his knee

 Edger Allan Crow was ready 
in his white wedding cloth

 And harp music played so lovely
for the celebration by  Kristen 

 And so the ceremony began

Mr. Atticus wore a suit that
had belonged to
 Lt. Thaddeus Crane sewn 
by the hands of  Tasha!  

The music box began to play

The bride's maids wore pale pink

A poem was recited

"Daisy and Atticus,
 we are gathered together"..

Do you take ?

I do!

I do!

I now pronounce you
 Husband and Wife!

You may kiss the bride!

I now present Mr. and Mrs. Atticus Henry !

Elspeth was very pleased! 
She realized the 
"directions of her dreams!"

I love you for ever! 

everyone waited with anticipation
for the new couple to arrive

A punch bowl that 
once belonged to Tasha Tudor 
 was set upon the head table

And the guest tables were set

 Dolls arrived in their most 
glamorous clothes

And delectable cakes 
and deserts awaited

 Cutting the cake!

Alan played Edger Allan Crow
 behind the theater curtains 


Beloved, I wish above all things
that thou mayest prosper
and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.
                                     3 John 1:2
the BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY: High Tea for 2 Birthdays:

Do You Know JESUS? 
Learn more and listen to :
Pastor Greg Laurie


Listen to David Sushet 
read The gospel According to Luke


Ashley Maggie May 
a Posie were also invited! 

Ladies who helped 
make the dream

After a great feast Melinda 
and the bride opened gifts 

Many were hand made!

And the couple blushed with love 

Tasha Granny enjoyed socializing 

And was more than proud 
of the happy couple!

Marjorie Tudor made
 Granny Tasha Doll
 (who lives at my house) 
She also made Mr. Atticus 
and the little flower girl dolls 

Hope you enjoyed! 


  1. What a beautiful wedding and such a happy occasion for all! Thank you, Dear Linnie, for making this day so much brighter! I can only imagine how much Tasha would have loved to have been there... and maybe she was, at least in our hearts!

  2. Linnie, How very special that you were a part of this! Tell us more about how it came about that you were there.

  3. Sometimes we just need to take the time and have a bright spot in our day! I know quite a bit of time and effort went into making this dream wedding come true. I especially appreciated the handmade gifts.
    Glad to see you posted once again...

  4. What a wonderful celebration! I was happy to "attend." Thank you for sharing this.

  5. It was such fun-thanks for the memories!!

  6. Oh ! Just so beautiful and romantic ! :) x

  7. Absolutely magical and wonderful! I will forever be grateful that I could attend.

  8. Such a lovely wedding! I wish a little 'Wedding Album' could be produced as a keepsake!

  9. I am so excited that I found this!! I was unable to attend, but this blog post made me feel like I was there. What a beautiful wedding it was, everything looked perfect. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful event!!!!

  10. 🎂 Just Beautiful Linnie 👍🏻 💐

  11. Thanks for the informative and insightful articles

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