We LOVE our little farm friends and
they give so much entertaining joy! But it can be challenging
and this last spring was no exception !!
Here is an example of my favorite flower
and every year I wait in anticipation for
them to bloom in my yard!
But one day (last spring) five young girls, feeling too adventurous
escaped their yard and went exploring!!
They tasted and ate what ever they desired
and found the early blooms of lilies
and all of the roses to be of the best delicacy !!
PapaBear reinforced the fence, but that didn't hold them
so when the naughty girls escaped into the neighboring orchard
and tested the early apples, an electric fence had to be applied!!
Sadly, too much partying took it's toll, and one little girl
paid a dear consequence! She had eaten something
that carried a terrible parasite ! Something that
a white tailed deer is immune to, but goats, sheep and camillids
are not! The Meningeal Deerworm attacks the nervous system
and would eventually kill her if it were not for modern medicine!!
Mandy my sweet 2 year old was now paralyzed
and her future looked very bleak!
Her sisters watched and wondered from the other stall,
while Cal the llama babysat!
It was heart breaking
for she was once
my sweet bottle baby,
who would climb into my lap to snuggle and sleep!
Hand picked by PapaBear!
So we didn't give up! And she had her daily shots,
and medicines! PapaBear built her a sling
and the Vet was very impressed!
And most of all we gave her lots and lots of love !!
Mandy was such a fighter!!!
After long weeks and extra days Mandy could
finally stand on her own, and then take steps,
and it is so lovely to see her run and frolic with her sister!
This parasite has a rebound so we needed to treat her
a second time ( and because she had seizures too from it)
But it was a miracle that she recovered for it is serious!!
and it is so lovely to see her run and frolic with her sister!
This parasite has a rebound so we needed to treat her
a second time ( and because she had seizures too from it)
But it was a miracle that she recovered for it is serious!!
What a dear joy!! We are so thankful to the dear Lord for her recovery!

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Pastor Greg Laurie
.~ .~.~.
Farm Doggies can get into mischief too!!!
So I told them;
" If you don't like a bath then don't roll in STINKY"!!!
So do you think that they learned anything?
Is Ashley laughing? Hmmm
We have an elderly Kitty named Mr Stubbs
He is 20 and has become blind! He does very good but his outside time is very limited! He spends his time indoors now and we love him through it
Mr. Stubbs is a bit fragile now but
still beautiful and very smart!
Sometimes you have to visit the Vet!
Ours is a wonderful country office
in an old converted house and you are
always greeted with a smile!
Ashley assured Mr Stubbs that
everything would be alright
(We forgot to tell her that her check up was due)!
She didn't mind because there are always treats!!
We saw a rainbow on the floor where
our late Pixie sat on her last visit
and it was very comforting to see.
It was shaped like a heart!!
Sometimes a doggie needs surgery!!
And then she becomes a
"Designer Doggie"
Sadie had eye surgery because
she got a virus! She is a rescue and we love her
and is very worth the effort!!
Simon Kitty is very old too!
He and Mr. Stubbs are also rescues!!
They were rescued together and he is 18!

They were best friends and they
used to sleep facing one another!
So when we brought Simon home
along came Pixie's ashes!
And so Simon stayed close for a long time!!
Soon the mischief began and Simon started
to take advantage of one of his "nine lives"!
He "prrrfered" to be a kitten and discovered yarn!!
Never before had he gotten into the yarn
but discovered it to be very entertaining!!
(I didn't see it as entertaining)
He is very proud of his achievements!!
Owning a parrot can have it's
downsides if they prefer your spouse!!
(Nuff said)!!!
Beware of your toes if you are on his bad side too!!
We love our two hens,
but a pretty garden can
go to waste if they prefer to dig
and scratch where they please!!
But the hens do not chase after you
with a vengeance!!
General George
the Gander!!!!!
He is very protective over his wife Martha
and their now grown Patsy !!
We found out the hard way when we rescued two geese and a Pekin duck that we named Jemima! We were told that they were all bonded, so were unprepared for the reality that ganders will kill ducks to protect their mate! So we found a very injured Jemima who now always needs our protection!
Jemima in "Therapy"
Her life has changed and she needs help to get around
and is friends with the hens!
PapaBear lets her think she can fly!
She is so sweet!
I think that they are all grateful
for they give us gifts!!!
We so enjoy the company of our animal friends!
And they are very worth the good care that needs
to be done to keep them happy and healthy!
Mandy found a wood bee
and wanted to save her!!
We will miss dear sweet Lottie
who lived to be 18 years!!
Hope you enjoyed
Blessings and love