Thursday, May 9, 2019


Granny Tasha Doll, 
made by Doll maker and Artist Marjorie Tudor 
(who is the daughter in law of Tasha Tudor)
lives here with many of the other dolls!

For the first of May, Granny Tasha Doll 
was teaching the doll children how 
to make posies and baskets to leave 
anonymously on doorsteps 
for Mayday!  

A posy nosegay

Granny Tasha Doll has nice furniture 
made by Seth Tudor, Tasha Tudor's son! 

Granny Tasha Doll actually
 gets everything that she has ever 
wanted because she has always known 
"the directions of her dreams" !

Yellow ware and pink pearl ware

 She loves all of her accessories 
and household tools!

She enjoys her cozy hearth,

Wardean Case

Spinning wheel, 
copper ware and crockery 

Her own cook stove

Even her own snowshoes!! 


Sometimes a guest or guests 
will stop by for a visit 
and Granny Tasha will do
 a sketch for later use!

The Patterson Family
love to spend time with Miss Tasha
by Kathy Patterson

And Mr. Monte brings the latest news! 

With a corgi at her feet, 
she feels quite satisfied! 

She loves to illustrate, 
draw and paint

and grandchildren can often be found close by.

And she loves her sewing basket,
 for sewing for her dolls brings 
her great pleasure!!

Tasha doll often creates animals with yarn!

Granny Tasha likes her cottage 
and it reminds her of  a mouse home
 when it is a bit dark! 

But she always takes time in the
 earliest pre-spring to look at 
gardening catalogs and books 
and plan what she will plant!

And you can often find a 
baby chick nurtured beneath her apron!  

                      Granny Tasha enjoys her tea, 
reading, sewing and so many 
of the olden ways! 


Beloved, I wish above all things
that thou mayest prosper
and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.
                                     3 John 1:2
the BUTT'RY and BOOK'RY: High Tea for 2 Birthdays:

Do You Know JESUS? 
Learn more and listen to :
Pastor Greg Laurie

Listen to David Sushet 
read The gospel According to Luke

Granny Tasha Doll has a barn 
and quite a few animals
 and wonderful tools

Michi Ball of "Prairie Prims" 
has made a Molly goat, a Lottie goat 
and a Sammy sheep for Granny Tasha
( formed after the real Molly, Lottie 
and Sammy from our farm)!!!

you can find Michi here:

Many happy animals!

And there are Stieff animals and a 
menagerie of dear farm animals!

Even an owl lives in the barn! 


Molly and Lottie

Granny Doll milks her goats 
and makes delectable cheese 
and fragrant soaps!

                         It is a happy place indeed!


In Early Spring Granny Tasha can be found out and about in the garden with her goats and corgi !! 

Some Bogarts live way atop
 the corner shelf home

                    And visit when ever they please! 

And the Mousiekin Family
 are moving in below!

It's a very JOYOUS place!!! 

Lovely Marjorie Tudor 
Doll Maker and Artist!
You can find her at:

Hope you enjoyed!! Many Blessings!! XX OO 


  1. I love it all! Thank you for posting such a fun photo story about your wonderful Tasha Doll and her little world within your home. By the way, this I Carolyn Tadlock Stinson from Take Peace. I have two blogs: and I'm terrible to neglect them both, but please feel free to viist me anytime. :)

    1. Hello dear friend!! Glad we can connect in Blog world too!! xx oo

  2. This is amazing, Linnie! You've been busy I see collecting kitchenware and furniture and all the other little things to bring your new Tasha world to life!

    1. Hello dearest Cathy!! :-) It is such fun to have this beautiful Tasha doll living here !! Hope all is well with you dear! Thank you for stopping xxx ooo

  3. Oh my, your Tasha doll looks so real, and all that goes with her. It is like looking at pictures from Tasha's books. It's all so pretty. I did enjoy this, very much!

  4. Hello Miss Henny Penny! :-)

    Marjory Tudor is such a talented doll maker! I am so pleased to have one of her beautiful dolls living here XX OO

  5. It's all so beautiful and lovely! I particularly love the bogarts - I love their smiling faces! Thank you so much for sharing all these darling photos!

    1. Thank you for your visit dear Emily! Many blessings :-)

  6. Oh my gosh. This is the best thing I have ever seen. I kept seeing your name pop up on doll groups that I'm in, and I was already followed your blog. But I hadn't looked at blogs in a long time. I just popped in. I will be coming back to these pictures all day long. I want to come over to your house to play!

    1. Thanks for your visit :-) I found you on Face Book too :-)

  7. This was lovely thanks for sharing this
